Essence or meaning Sholawat Nariyah
Sholawat Nariyah gist that this is the first: Read the Prophet Mohammed Top sholawat Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam with all its perfection. Prophet has a remarkable perfection, he is human, but unlike humans, This means that Prophet Muhammad is the same as we are creatures of God's creation has perfection. If compared Kal Yakuti Bainal Hajari, Like a Pearl Shine among the rocks. Second: Sholawat also contained elements of prayer for granted all our needs, given the ease of convenience
For reading Sholawat nariyah when read 100 times, 1,000 times, even up to 100,000 times. Each has features and benefits. But most important is before reading sholawat nariyah need to send hadiyah surah Al-Fatihah to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, the Prophet Adam and his family, the other Prophets Along with his family, to shohabat, the scholars', the trustees, particularly syech Abdul Qadir al-Jilani Ibrahim At-Taaji, and the leluhhur we were already dead, the Muslims and the believers. After the reading sholawat Nariyah with Arabic text as follows:
بِسْــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِـــــــيْمِ
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ صَلَاةً كَامِلَةً وَ سَلِّمْ سَلَامًا تَامًّا عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الَّذِى تَنْحَلُّ بِهِ الْعُقَدُ وَ تَنْفَرِجُ بِهِ الْكُرَبُ وَ تُقْضٰى بِهِ الْحَوَائِجُ وَ تُنَالُ بِهِ الرَّغَائِبُ وَ حُسْنُ الْخَوَاتِمِ وَ يُسْتَسْقَى الْغَمَامُ بِوَجْهِهِ الْكَرِيْمِ وَ عَلىٰ آلِهِ وِ صَحْبِهِ فِى كُلِّ لَمْحَةٍ وَ نَفَسٍ بِعَدَدِ كُلِّ مَعْلُوْمٍ لَكَ ۞
How to Read Text Sholawat Latin Nariyah As follows:
Allahumma Sholli Solatan Kamilatawwasallim Salaman Tamman 'Ala Sayyidina Muhamadinillladzi tanhallu bihil 'uqodu Watangfariju Bihil kurobu Watuqdlo bihil hawaiju Watunalu bihirroghoibu Wahusnul Khowatimi Wasustasqol Ghomaamu Biwajhihil Karimi Wa'ala Alihi Washohbihi Fii Kulli Lamhatinn Wanafasimbi'adadi kulli Ma'lummillak. (Ini sebaiknya hanya dipakai untuk cara baca yang memiliki kelemahan dalam membaca teks arab, namun sebaiknya jangan disebarluaskan, karena jika diartikan secara huruf perhuruf tentunya akan melenceng maknanya). Oleh karena itu sebaiknya dianjurkan untuk membawa teks arab kepada Ustadz atau Ulama terdekat untuk ditashih (dibetulkan). Demi sempurnanya bacaan Anda. Jika ini sudah dapat ijazah (pengesahan) dari guru maka baru dikatakan Sholawat ini berkhasiat. Maaf Ya..
Translation Sholawat Nariyah as following:
"O Allah, give Shalawat perfect and greetings perfect for Her Majesty of our Prophet Muhammad with him regardless of the bond (distress) and freed from the trouble. And with it also fulfilled lavatory and obtained all desires and good death, and gave spray (happiness ) to those who are saddened by his glorious, and to his family, his companions, with all the knowledge that you have. "
To Prayer Should resting completely on God.
Sholawat Nariyah are complementary in prayer. Because it is in prayer the good and the right one on the Prophet Muhammad recited sholawat Sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Who will pray the perfect carrying terkabulnya requests that we pray to God the Giver. In One Asmaul Husna (Names of Allah). Amen O 'Lord of the Worlds.
Are Reading Shalawat Nariyah It polytheists? The answer is No.
Is There a Wrong contents of Sholawat Nariyah "O Allah, give Shalawat perfect and greetings perfect for Her Majesty of our Prophet Muhammad with him regardless of the bond (distress) and freed from the trouble. And with it also fulfilled lavatory and obtained all desires and death good, and gave a splash (happiness) to those who are saddened by his glorious, and to his family, his companions, with all the knowledge that you have. "
It is figurative only of literature balaghah arab of love, as a compliment Abbas bin Abdulmuttalib ra to the Holy Prophet in front of the Prophet: "... and thou (O Prophet) the day of your birth then terbitlah light earthing up bright and the sky luminous with your light , and we are now in the light shade and in the guidance of the glory (the Qur'an) we continue in depth "(Mustadrak 'ala shahihain hadith no.5417), of course, the earth and the sky does not look that bright glowing eyes, but the allusion to the resurrection of the treatise.
Said the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam: Those Who reads Sholawat me as much as 1000 times the person was not going to die before it is given in the form of heaven happiness. (Lubabul Hadith Hafiz Jalaluddin Lil ABDURROHMAN Bin Abi Bakrin Assuyuti).
Abu Hurairah as saying: "O Messenger of Allah, if we are in front of you then our souls khusyu" (Saheeh Ibn Hibban Hadith no.7387), "O Messenger of Allah, when we see the face of our soul khusyu" (Musnad Ahmad Hadith no.8030)
all those who understand the Arabic language to understand this, Only if they do not understand the language then immediately sentenced polytheists, of course, from shallow understanding of monotheism, the sentence requested the rain with his noble, is a mirror of bertawassul the Messenger of Allah Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam companions as history saheeh Bukhari. Thus, if you want to practice please if do not want to practice is also not a problem. Do not be a debate between us.
Do not Forget the Daily Practices What is certain is Sholawat following:
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ
Read the above sentence as a daily practice that the principal and not to leave it. Minimum day and night at least 500 times or 1000 times better. In the book of Hadith Lubabul
البَابُ الرَّابِعْ فِى فَضِيْلَةِ الْصَّلاَةِ عَلىَ النَّبِى صَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلاَّمْ
قَالَ النَّبِى صَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّامْ: مَنْ صَلَّى عَلَيَّ أَلْفَ مَرَّةٍ لَمْ يَمُتْ حَتَّى يُبَشَّرَ لَهُ بِالْجَنَّة.
Regarding Articles Shalawat Top Fadi Muhammad Learn delivered in Fadlilah Sholawat Top Sholallahu Prophet 'Alaihi Wasallam. In the article it contains fadlillah or virtues - virtues sholawat if read once, 100 times, a thousand times and again Fadlilah sholawat example, if read on Friday night and another sebaginya.
Thank you for visiting... Hopefully useful and always a blessing. amiiin
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