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Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu 'Alaihi wasallam (Allah's Messenger)

Prophet Muhammad his designation. In addition to his Prophet, the Prophet (Allah's Messenger) for Muslims. Full name is Muhammad the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Hashim bin Abdul Mutthalib. He was born in Makkah on 20 April 570. His mother Siti Aminah.
Prophet Muhammad as a child has become an orphan, he was raised by pamanya named Abu Talib. He since childhood has had akhakul Karimah. Once the Prophet asked his teens who finally met with berdangang rich merchant named Siti Khadijah. Siti word actually comes from the word Sayyidati. So Siti Khadijah means Sayyidati Khodijah.
Prophet Muhammad was often in the Cave of Hira for prayer and dhikr. In fact, he often spent the night in the Cave of Hira. At the age of 40 years, Muhammad received revelations from God through the Angel Gabriel. After the revelation can then Prophet Mohammed spread agam monotheism to the people.
Revelations given to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel and fall gradually. Himgga the end of life of the Prophet Muhammad also still receive revelation. Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad is the form of the Qur'an. In the Qur'an contains about history, law jurisprudence, Sufism, prayers and others. Then the Qur'an was accompanied by the hadith which contains the practices of the Prophet. So that both become Resources Law for Muslims around the world.
The spread of Islamic Struggle

The struggle of the Prophet Muhammad is not easy, it is very complicated and full of sacrifice body and soul. Prophet Muhammad and early followers found various forms of resistance and torture of several tribes of Mecca that was still many who do not convert to Islam. Persecution often obtained the followers of Muhammad. Sehinnga Prophet Muhammad invites his followers to migrate to Abyssinia, before proceeding fled to Medina in 622.

This move marks the beginning of the events calendar in the Islamic Hijri calendar used by Muslims until now. In Medina he struggled to unite the tribes in Madinah by signing the Charter of Medina.
The death of the Prophet Muhammad Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam

In the year 632, a few months after returning to Medina after undergoing the Hajj Wada, Muhammad fell ill and died in Medina, June 8, 632 at the age of 62 years. His grave now resides in Nabawi mosque in precisely in Roudloh. That he thought just before his death are Muslims. He always called as "Ummatii, Ummatii, Ummatii". Suritauladan exceptional facing towards the resumption of Allaah he was still thinking about his people.
Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam

Khadijah Bint Khuwalid He was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Before getting married to the prophet, he had been the wife of Atiq bin Abid bin Malik and Abu Halah and had given birth to four children, two with her husband named Atiq, Abdullah and Jariyah, and two with her husband Abu Halah ie Hind and Zainab.
The accounts explained that when Muhammad was married to Khadija, Khadija age is 40 years old while the Prophet's only 25 years old. But according to Ibn Kathir, a leader in the field of tafsir, hadith and history, they were married at the age contemporaries. Prophet Muhammad with him as husband and wife for 25 years ie 15 years before receiving the first revelation and 10 years thereafter until the death of Khadija, approximately 3 years before moving to Medina. Khadija died when he was 64 years and 6 months.
She is the wife of the Prophet Muhammad who never co-wife, because all her co-wife who married after Khadija's death. In addition, all children of the Prophet except Khadijah Ibrahimadalah biological children.
Dowry of the Prophet Muhammad as much as 20 Bakrah and the marriage ceremony was held by his father Khuwailid. Another narration states, the ceremony was performed by his brother Amr bin Khuwailid.
His marriage to Khadijah produce offspring only six people, namely: Al Qasim, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, Fatima and Abdullah.
Prophet Muhammad after getting a son named Al Qosim, he earned the nickname of Abul Qosim (father Qosim), while his son Abdullah had a nickname at Thoyib at Thohir which means "The Great and Holy Again"
Sauda Bint Zam'ah is the second wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Nasabnya met the Prophet at Luay bin Ghalib. He is known to have a brilliant brain and broad-minded. He was first married to the child's uncle is Syukran bin Amr. When the Prophet spread Islam openly, her husband, Syukran including those who first embraced Islam. He embraced Islam along with a group of people from Bani Qais bin Abdu Wad. After the death Sauda dinikah by the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet married to Sauda after Khadija's death in that month. Sauda is an old widow. Her first husband was Amr bin al-Sakran. Sauda and her husband al-Sakran is among those who have emigrated to Abyssinia. When her husband died after returning from Abyssinia, the Prophet has been picked to be the wife to give protection to him and gave high appreciation to her husband.
Weddings performed by Salit bin Amr. Another narration states ceremony conducted by Abu Hatib ibn Amr. Dowry is 400 dirhams.
Aisha Bint Abu Bakr was the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad (614-678). Aisha's father was originally named Abu Bakr felt Aisha was old enough to get married later would marry Aisha bin Jubair Mut'im, but the marriage did not take place due to father Jubair, Mut'im ibn 'Adi refused because Abu Bakr Aisha had converted to Islam at the time it. Mut'im bin Adi's wife said her family would not have a relationship with Muslims, which can cause Jubair become a Muslim. Aisha is spoken at the age of 7 years and began to settle down at the age of 9 years. Aisha was the only wife of Muhammad who was a girl at the time of marriage. Aisha was married in the year 620 AD Akad nikah was held in Mecca before the Hijra, but after the death of Muhammad married Khadija and after the Sauda. Ceremony conducted by his father Abu Bakr with a dowry of 400 Dirhams.
Hafsa Bint Umar Bin Khattab was the fourth wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Young widow whose age is almost the same age as Aisha. Initially wife Hafsah is Khunais bin Hudhafah al-Sahmiy who died during the Battle of Badr. Umar Hafsa's father, asked Abu Bakr married with Hafsah, but Abu Bakr did not express any agreement and Umar complained to the prophet Muhammad. Then the Prophet take Hafsah as a wife. Hafsah Bint Umar (died 45 H)
Zainab Bint Khuzaimah is the wife of the Prophet after Khadizah Died. Her first husband was Thufail bin Harith bin 'Abd al-Muttalib. Because it can not give birth Zainab (barren), Thufail divorced him when they migrate to Madinah. To glorify Zainab, Ubaidah bin Harith (brother Thufail) married Zainab. As we know, Ubaidah bin Harith was one of the navy's most powerful horseman after Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and Ali ibn Abi Talib. The three of them come against the people of Quraish in the Battle of Badr, and finally Ubaidah martyred in the war. Then the Prophet married her to glorify it. Because once he memulyakan poor people so that Zainab got the nickname Umul Masakin. Stairs with Zainab Zainab married only eight months, and she died in less than 30 years of age.
Umm Salama or Umm Salama is the wife of Prophet Muhammad (580-680). Umm Salama and her husband, Abd-Allah ibn Abd-al-Asad, including of Islamic Adherent first or As-Sabiqun al-Awwalun. Her husband was martyred when Uhud. He has four children from Abdullah before marrying Muhammad. Namely Salama ibn Abdullah, Abdullah ibn Umar, Zaynab ibn Abdullah ibn Abdullah Durra. After the death of Abdullah ibn Abdul Asad, Hind has no siblings and family in Medina except children - his son, but he was rescued by the Emigrants and Helpers. After he completed the waiting period that his waiting period for women who are either divorced or died, to remarry four months and 10 days, Abu Bakr and 'Umar tried to propose to her, but was rejected by Umm Salama. Then Muhammad tried to propose to her as well and received. Umm Salama was married to Muhammad when he was 29 years old. Application Muhammad second time it receives the dowry a cushion, a pengisar bowl of flour.
Zaenab Bint Jahsh is wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Zaenab converted to Islam for a long time, then migrated with the Prophet Muhammad to Medina, then married to Zaid bin Haritha, then divorced by Zaid, then fell verse in the Qur'an Surat al-Ahzab Prophet Muhammad concerning marriage with Zaynab, the Prophet marry with him, at first he named Barrah, later renamed Zainab, and karenanyalah down verses about the veil. He is known as a person who often charity. The wedding ceremony was conducted by Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib with a dowry of 400 dirhams, paid for the Prophet Muhammad.
Juwairiyah Bint Harith was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (608-676). Juwairiyah father is the head of Bani Mustaliq group that has gathered his army to fight the Prophet Muhammad in al-Muraisi War '.
After Bani Mustaliq Barrah killed and taken prisoner by Thabit bin Qais bin al-Syammas al-Ansariy. Thabit was about 9 tahil dimukatabah with gold, and Barrah also complained to the prophet.
Finally Messenger mukatabah willing to pay and then married her.
Ramlah Bint Abu Sufyan (ummu Habiibah) is the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (589-664). Umm Habibah widow. Her first husband Jahsyin Ubaidullah bin al-Asadiy. Umm Habibah and her husband Ubaydullah never emigrated to Abyssinia. Ubaidillah died when at the seacoast and Umm Habibah who are homeless depend Habsyah.
Through al Najashi, Muhammad applying Umm Habibah and wedding ceremonies performed by Khalid bin Said al-As with a dowry of 400 Dirhams.
Safiyah Bint Huyay is the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Shafiyah son of Huyay, chief Bani Nadir tribe, who live in the surrounding Medina. In the Khaibar War, and her husband Shafiyah Kinanah bin al-Rabi was captured. In one talks after being freed, Safiyah chose to be the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Safiyah bint Huyai bin Akhtab (d 50 H).
Maria Bint Syama'un is the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Mariah al-Qibthiyah was the only wife of the Prophet who came from Egypt. He was a former slave of the Prophet who has been married and is the only others with the Prophet obtain the child in addition to Khadijah Ibrahim but died at the age of 4 years. God wanted al-Qibtiyah Maria gave birth to a son Prophet after Khadija. How happy Prophet heard the news of Mary's pregnancy, especially after their children, namely Abdullah, Qasim, and Ruqayah died. Mariyah al-Qibtiyah died in 16H / 637 M.
Maimunah Bint Al Harith was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad last. Maymunah bint al-Harith bin Hazn bin Bujair bin al-Harm bin Ruwaibah bin Abdullah bin Hilal bin Amr bin Sha'sha'a bin Muawiyah aunt of Khalid bin Walid Abdullah bin Abbas dab. Prophet married her in a place called Sarif somewhere springs located nine miles from the city of Mecca. She was the last woman who married by Muhammad. Sarif died in the year 63 AH

Source: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummahatul_mu%27minin


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