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Anyone Khulafaurrosyidin it? (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali)

If there is a question that said, the caliph's Who? then the answer is First is Abu Bakr shidiq, the second is Umar Bin Khattab, Uthman Bin Affan third and the fourth is Ali Bin Abi Thallib Karomallahu Wajhahu. How lunge them all. What their works. Patience first readers of Science study of religion and the study of Islamic history at the Blog of Love Pustak Islam. This time the reader should heningkan moment to read the surah Al-Fatihah which we present for the first to the Prophet Muhammad Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam Waazwajihi wadluriyyatihi wa experts baitihi, then the second Surah Fatiha We had given to Adam, Mother Eve and the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the shohabat, the Successors, the Wali-wali Allah, from the west to the east end of the universe, which exist on land and dilautan, special we had given to Shaykh abdul Qadir Jilani, the scholars of our respective areas. AlfaaTihah .... 

Understanding Khulafaurrosyidin

Khulafaurrosyidin derived from khalifa, caliph khulafa plural of the word, which means a replacement. Substitute for leadership at the time of the Prophet Muhammad is dead. It is they who hold the reins of government to maintain the continuity of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Tauhid Alawee 'Alaihi Wasallam. Rosyidin is the word Ar-Rashid. Empire is the plural of Rashid that means is people are getting instructions. Therefore Rasyidin means the person who is given instructions by God to continue in the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad Alawee 'Alaihi Wasallam.
It was the first caliph Abu Bakr Al-shidiq

The period of his leadership, namely (11-13 AH or 632-634 AD). Initially after the Prophet Muhammad died gathered the Ansar and the Emigrants for deliberation to determine who the next leader. Initially people anshar sponsor candidates that Sa'd and of the muhajirin represented by Abu Bakr, Umar Bin Khattab to nominate a leader. But Umar bin Khattab was not crazy power. He just refused and candidate Abu Bakr Al-shidiq. It was agreed in the meetings and elected Abu Bakr as the first Caliph shidiq. Why he was elected, for the first time recognized the Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet is Abu Bakr. He also accompanied the Prophet Muhammad Hijrah to Madinah. People are very persistent drought protect anyone who would convert to Islam, and the fourth is He (Abu Bakr) was appointed as chief when Muhammad was sick.
It was the second Caliph Umar Bin Khattab

Leadership period of 12 years starting from 13 AH to 23 AH or 634 AD to 644 AD). Leadership is leadership, second only to Abu Bakr As-shidiq Death. Before Death, Abu Bakar As-shidiq never ask for any future leadership They finished or died, what if the Caliphate of Umar Bin Khattab was submitted on. When it is asked Abdurrahman Bin 'Auf, Uthman Bin Affan and his companions Emigrants and Helpers. and they agreed on the proposal of Abu Bakar. Finally, when Abu Bakr had died, the leadership handed Umar Bin Khattab.
Third Caliph Uthman bin Affan

The period of his leadership from year 23-35 AH or 644-656 AD. It replaces the Caliph Umar's last tenure, he was seriously ill boy was wounded as a result of persia. He formed a team Formation consisted of Ali bin Abi Talib, Talhah, Zubair Bin Awwam, Sa'ad Bin Abi Waqqas and Abdurahman bin Auf. So they agreed to choose a Caliph Uthman bin Affan.
The fourth Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib

35-41 year period of his leadership is Hijri or AD 656-661. Ali initially did not want to be a leader, they're friends are not crazy leadership. It is up to the Council's decision. and finally elected Ali bin Abi Talib as the Caliph. When the leadership is there who does not agree that Muawwiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Ali bin Abi Talib should immediately take over the leadership for the government to be able to walk again.

After he died Usman was killed. Muslims are waiting for a killer who the perpetrators of Usman, Ali Bin Abi Talib is a leader who is very careful in the matter so that the people already had decided not to wait for the results of Ali. Why until now it has not found his killer. So many of them think that, perhaps the killer was Ali bin Abi Talib. Actually it is not Ali's murder, only he was a very careful in deciding the case. Because of their impatience of the people against Ali even his own mother-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad's wife Aisha was against Ali and follow the Block Muawwiyah. There was not a war against evil, but the war in the affairs of ADSL. Therefore, if someone died in this war are all classified Martyr, Dead For God. She was named Mother of the fight against war Jamal, Jamal is the camel because it was Mother she Riding a camel. Although she lost, Ali bin Abi Thallib she drove up to the house of his father in law. Because she was helpless. Ali and Muawiyah opposition to the war meimbulkan named Siffin war. When the Muslims divided into 3 groups, namely the Khawarij, Murjiah and Shiites.


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