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How to Pray Istikharah Prayer in Procedures and Law?

Istikharah prayers along with its operation, as well as the rules and kaifiyahnya prayers were also discussed thus only function and purpose istikhoroh prayers. Also discuss the proposition of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet who advise it.

Istikhoroh Prayer is one of the sunnah prayers are prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad that each of us has a good khajat so much good we asked for consideration of God's glory to Him. The opinions and guidance of Allah will surely bring a kindness, especially to ourselves. In the case of our affairs to be given the gift of a good and simple way to choose all matters related to our business.

Prayer istikhoroh performed with two cycles corresponding Bukhari hadith of jabir:

كان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلام يعلمنا الإستخارة فى الأمور كما يعلمنا السورة من القرأن :إذا همّ أحدكم بالأمر فليركع ركعتين من غير الفريضة.
That is approximately as follows: shallallahu'alaihi Prophet SAW taught us to pray istikhoroh of the cases that we will do as taught to us from the Quran: when one of us wanted something case then let do 2 cycles besides prayer two prayer fardlu
Meant 2 cycles besides fard prayer must pray istikharah, especially in matters of seeking a mate, it is most important to God asking consideration glory to Him. Then our business would have been easier and diridloi by God. Sometimes people choose a mate with the base eyes are often able to fool us. And appeared prayer or request to God with their own desires without involving God's desires. In other words he prayed like this "O Allah, may he later became my God, no one is as beautiful and as good as he O God, graciously request, Ameen". At first glance there is no problem about that prayer, but if it contains elements observed as though we know that most of the people who became our dream, forcing God to grant it. Then it is best for us is to perform the procedure on a case-our cause, namely to pray istikhoroh then we pray. Regarding prayer is usually done by our scholars are:

اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك وأستقدرك بقدرتك وأسألك من فضلك العظيم فإنك تقدر ولا أقدر وتعلم ولا أعلم و أنت علام الغيوب. اللهم إن كنت تعلم عن هذالأمر خير لي في دينى ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه.    أمين.

Which means that approximately as follows: O Allah, verily I ask your judgment because knowledge, ask destiny because your will, and I ask the majesty of grace that you have, in fact you are willing not me, verily thou Knowing what I do not know and you really Knowing -it that are unseen or vague. O Allah, verily Thou Knowing against any business, if it is good for me in my religion and my life and the consequences of the affair then make it easy and bless me all about what you give me.

The prayer can be read after the prayer istikharah or can be read in the midst of prayer is the prostration of the last cycles or after reading tasyahud akhir.Yang expected in istikhoroh prayer is the success of all the hunger of our needs both goodness and kindness world hereafter. Therefore, we should not depend on God, but always ask us to judge actions Allah, all the problems will be easily solved easily fit ridlo Allah glory to Him.

This I can dedicate to friends readers, may be useful. For prayer healing of diseases we can help to cure with the help of God's glory to Him. By mentioning names Companions and illness. Hopefully will be healed by God. Hope it is useful...

Referensi : Khasyiah Syarqowi Bab : Sholat Nafl hal: 299 - 300


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