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Tips: How to find the right husband or wife and blessing Married?

Find a mate, words that frequently appear, but a mate is predestined by Allah. when our already reached predicate Ta'iq (already wanted to get married right) then marry is obligatory, because it was feared happened adultery if not get married due to the circumstances that you really want to get married already. but it should be noted that because of a mate is a provision of God, of course, we must ask the same which gives mate. Salih want or Sholihah? of course, we try to change our attitudes and behavior in accordance syareat we each, then God will give you the best that is of course adapted to our (sekufu).

Here then will I peeled stages of common men and the stages are carried out by women in finding a life partner. for matching or no resemblance to the paths may be taken, but that does not fit must find another way better for your survival. but there is no harm, all the readers of this article to continue the search. thank guns.

The days that must be passed for anyone who wants to find a life partner (FOR MEN).

  1. Searching: Practically every human being whose name has not been discovered so of course looking for. some say matchmaking will be sought should not dateng own. but a little more sure someone will be involved in the activities of searching. in search of course be many fruitless. if earnings results turned out to be just one, then they do not pass the second stage follows. but they go straight to stage 3.
  2. Selecting : This is an advanced stage for people in love on the search results are abundant income, or couples who sought could be more than one. why can get a lot of choice. because the desired criteria are not grandiose. finally can also be a lot. If the criteria are too many, so of course the results are minimal even just one. In the teachings of Islam either be 1 or may be as much or more than it should be and it is obliged to pray Istiqoroh to ask for consideration to Allah that our choices really qualified and will bring blessings in the household. concerning its operation, you can see my last post titled Praying Istiqoroh and Tata trick
  3. Lobby: This is the third phase must be done, lobbies I mean is how we approach the people closest partner we have set of results istikhoroh earlier. eg the prospective couples we close with their parents then we should often communicate well with parents. just do not KEEP image, we behave as it is as long as it does not offend parents. Search for themes that might be disconnected conversation with his parents. If you are sure and ready yourself then the next step is.
  4. Shoot place: in this case it takes caution and be extra careful, Target should be targeted to the right not to miss. Like someone who wants to shoot targets that first silent waiting for the bird, do not aim at birds in flight. then prepare weapons quality, do not shoot mock firing dah especially not functioning, prepare good eye for precision shooting, do not shoot in a state of closed eyes can be raced. Prepare extra power. When the hand held shooting should not vibrate because it can be fatal. After the new viewfinder deemed appropriate and well targeted, the bird fell into our arms. Meaning: Before declare love to be really quite preparation, lobbying and maturity in the right direction will bring success to be accepted. If necessary, Nadzar the same God, the same God's promise, for example, "O Allah if my love is accepted then I would bernadzar momentum Monday-Thursday for a year". or for example, "O Allah, if I accepted I would nadzar read the Qur'an to complete it within 1 week". lest nadzar is not good "Yaaa God, if my love is accepted, I will reject his love". Piye to mean? Aya aya wae .. Kepriwee to Rika?
  5. Courtship: since the days khitbah already performed on stage 4, the next stage of courtship. Courtship in this case must be understood well not to misinterpretation. Once accepted our love of course there are limits that should not be hit. Eg no permission for holding hands, hugging and even kissing because it has not been officially setatus, meaning that there is no marriage contract is not being allowed to do so. Start out with a good insyaAllah better the household are going to live. However, if initially poorly it will catch the virus evils in our home life. Naudzubillahi dzalik min. in this period do not wait long straight up to the next process.
  6. Application: actually applying is a method of confirmation that the prospective partner and dipertemukannya dipertemukannya candidate besan all discuss the wedding date implemented. Should not be too long distance application with the wedding procession.
  7. Marriage (Akad Nikah): lists different types of advanced stages have passed the process of unification of men to women in the marriage bond with the proviso the bridegroom and the bride's guardian, dowry well as two witnesses were fair. and to be more afdhol then listed on KUA to bring marriage registrar. The groom is quite says "Qobiltu" (I received) after the bride's guardian to marry his brother states.
  8. Retain: This is a period that is very difficult. Not a few people who have experienced the bitterness of life with the destruction of household once they intertwine with painstaking but hancurdalam blink of an eye. The main control holder is male. men not to pronounce divorce like you I divorce (Tholaqtu ki, ki Faroqtu) or words returned to your parents or get out of my house with the intention in my heart for the divorced then fell divorce. If not with the intention then it does not matter.

Readers are believed by God thing experienced by women in the stage of looking for a mate (mate)

  1. Searching: Practical almost as practiced by men, but most of womankind is collecting names that are tailored to kriteriannya.
  2. Selecting: This is an advanced stage for women who love. STAGE This stage is MANDATORY for women because she usually just waiting for someone to love and ready to accept his love or not. the desired criteria do heroics because later could make space for womanhood, enough with the following criteria: Obey religion, Mapan (which is important to have a good job) issue enough or not we submit the same God, BERES. In Islam the woman has become a liability and even very obliged to pray Istiqoroh to ask for consideration to Allah that our choices really qualified and will bring blessings in the household. concerning its operation, you can see my last post titled Prayer Istiqoroh and Tata trick
  3. Receiving Love: Phase lobbies do not think needs to be done because tuganya only receive love someone who comes to shoot. Before deciding difikir well, Gratitude accordance with the criteria you want
  4. Receiving Application: enough we leave it to the parents how good. as long as we've been okay okey parents do not have to think long to continue the marriage. if age sudak quite immediately wrote Bro.
  5. Marriage (Akad Nikah): This is a continuation of the stages that have passed the process of unification of men to women in the marriage bond with the proviso the bridegroom and the bride's guardian, dowry well as two witnesses were fair. and to be more afdhol then listed on KUA to bring marriage registrar. The groom is quite says "Qobiltu" (I received) after the bride's guardian to marry his brother states.
  6. Retain: This is a period that is very difficult. Not a few people who have experienced the bitterness of life with the destruction of household once they intertwine with painstaking but destroyed in the blink of an eye. Women must be obedient to her husband. Patiently devoted to her husband, especially if you already have children, the wife of the task will be even tougher. complaint hopefully your husband is the one who is responsible and trustworthy. as one of the items in the dasa darma scout.
If you need another article or posted an article asking for what you need, God willing I will try to load it.
Hope it is useful.....!
Thank you for visiting.....!


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