Nurturing Children for Enhanced Intelligence: A Guide to Effective Parenting

Title: Nurturing Children for Enhanced Intelligence: A Guide to Effective Parenting


In the journey of raising children, parents play a pivotal role in shaping not only their physical well-being but also their intellectual growth. Fostering intelligence in children goes beyond traditional educational methods; it involves creating a conducive environment, employing thoughtful strategies, and embracing a holistic approach to parenting. This article explores key ways to educate children for increased intelligence, emphasizing the importance of a nurturing and supportive upbringing.

1. **Early Stimulation and Exploration:**

   Encourage curiosity and exploration from an early age. Provide age-appropriate toys and activities that stimulate their senses and curiosity. Engaging in activities that involve critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity helps develop cognitive skills.

2. **Reading Habit:**

   Instill a love for reading in your child. Reading not only enhances language skills but also exposes them to a wide range of topics and ideas. Set aside dedicated time for reading together, and let them choose books that align with their interests.

3. **Encourage Questioning:**

   Foster a questioning mindset in your child. Encourage them to ask questions and express their curiosity about the world around them. This habit not only promotes critical thinking but also shows them that their thoughts and questions are valued.

4. **Promote a Growth Mindset:**

   Teach the importance of perseverance and a growth mindset. Emphasize that intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and resilience. Celebrate their achievements but also highlight the value of learning from failures.

5. **Balanced Nutrition:**

   A well-balanced diet contributes significantly to cognitive development. Ensure that your child receives the necessary nutrients, especially those essential for brain health, such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds.

6. **Physical Activity:**

   Physical health and cognitive development are interconnected. Regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain and supports the growth of neural connections. Encourage outdoor play and sports to promote overall well-being.

7. **Limit Screen Time:**

   While technology can be a valuable educational tool, excessive screen time may hinder cognitive development. Set reasonable limits on screen time and prioritize activities that involve face-to-face interactions, physical movement, and problem-solving.

8. **Cultivate Emotional Intelligence:**

   Intelligence goes beyond academics; emotional intelligence is equally crucial. Teach your child to recognize and manage their emotions, as well as understand and empathize with others. This skill set contributes to social intelligence and overall personal growth.

9. **Engage in Hands-On Learning:**

   Provide opportunities for hands-on learning experiences. Science experiments, art projects, and other interactive activities enhance their understanding of various subjects and foster a love for learning.

10. **Model Lifelong Learning:**

    Children often emulate the behavior of their parents. Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning by pursuing your interests, reading, and acquiring new skills. This sets a powerful example for your child to follow.


Nurturing intelligence in children is a multifaceted endeavor that involves a combination of cognitive, emotional, and physical elements. By creating a supportive and stimulating environment, encouraging a love for learning, and modeling positive behaviors, parents can significantly contribute to their child's intellectual development. Remember, the journey of fostering intelligence is not a race but a lifelong process that unfolds through thoughtful guidance and a nurturing approach to parenting.

Tips: How to find the right husband or wife and blessing Married?

Find a mate, words that frequently appear, but a mate is predestined by Allah. when our already reached predicate Ta'iq (already wanted to get married right) then marry is obligatory, because it was feared happened adultery if not get married due to the circumstances that you really want to get married already. but it should be noted that because of a mate is a provision of God, of course, we must ask the same which gives mate. Salih want or Sholihah? of course, we try to change our attitudes and behavior in accordance syareat we each, then God will give you the best that is of course adapted to our (sekufu).

Here then will I peeled stages of common men and the stages are carried out by women in finding a life partner. for matching or no resemblance to the paths may be taken, but that does not fit must find another way better for your survival. but there is no harm, all the readers of this article to continue the search. thank guns.

The days that must be passed for anyone who wants to find a life partner (FOR MEN).

  1. Searching: Practically every human being whose name has not been discovered so of course looking for. some say matchmaking will be sought should not dateng own. but a little more sure someone will be involved in the activities of searching. in search of course be many fruitless. if earnings results turned out to be just one, then they do not pass the second stage follows. but they go straight to stage 3.
  2. Selecting : This is an advanced stage for people in love on the search results are abundant income, or couples who sought could be more than one. why can get a lot of choice. because the desired criteria are not grandiose. finally can also be a lot. If the criteria are too many, so of course the results are minimal even just one. In the teachings of Islam either be 1 or may be as much or more than it should be and it is obliged to pray Istiqoroh to ask for consideration to Allah that our choices really qualified and will bring blessings in the household. concerning its operation, you can see my last post titled Praying Istiqoroh and Tata trick
  3. Lobby: This is the third phase must be done, lobbies I mean is how we approach the people closest partner we have set of results istikhoroh earlier. eg the prospective couples we close with their parents then we should often communicate well with parents. just do not KEEP image, we behave as it is as long as it does not offend parents. Search for themes that might be disconnected conversation with his parents. If you are sure and ready yourself then the next step is.
  4. Shoot place: in this case it takes caution and be extra careful, Target should be targeted to the right not to miss. Like someone who wants to shoot targets that first silent waiting for the bird, do not aim at birds in flight. then prepare weapons quality, do not shoot mock firing dah especially not functioning, prepare good eye for precision shooting, do not shoot in a state of closed eyes can be raced. Prepare extra power. When the hand held shooting should not vibrate because it can be fatal. After the new viewfinder deemed appropriate and well targeted, the bird fell into our arms. Meaning: Before declare love to be really quite preparation, lobbying and maturity in the right direction will bring success to be accepted. If necessary, Nadzar the same God, the same God's promise, for example, "O Allah if my love is accepted then I would bernadzar momentum Monday-Thursday for a year". or for example, "O Allah, if I accepted I would nadzar read the Qur'an to complete it within 1 week". lest nadzar is not good "Yaaa God, if my love is accepted, I will reject his love". Piye to mean? Aya aya wae .. Kepriwee to Rika?
  5. Courtship: since the days khitbah already performed on stage 4, the next stage of courtship. Courtship in this case must be understood well not to misinterpretation. Once accepted our love of course there are limits that should not be hit. Eg no permission for holding hands, hugging and even kissing because it has not been officially setatus, meaning that there is no marriage contract is not being allowed to do so. Start out with a good insyaAllah better the household are going to live. However, if initially poorly it will catch the virus evils in our home life. Naudzubillahi dzalik min. in this period do not wait long straight up to the next process.
  6. Application: actually applying is a method of confirmation that the prospective partner and dipertemukannya dipertemukannya candidate besan all discuss the wedding date implemented. Should not be too long distance application with the wedding procession.
  7. Marriage (Akad Nikah): lists different types of advanced stages have passed the process of unification of men to women in the marriage bond with the proviso the bridegroom and the bride's guardian, dowry well as two witnesses were fair. and to be more afdhol then listed on KUA to bring marriage registrar. The groom is quite says "Qobiltu" (I received) after the bride's guardian to marry his brother states.
  8. Retain: This is a period that is very difficult. Not a few people who have experienced the bitterness of life with the destruction of household once they intertwine with painstaking but hancurdalam blink of an eye. The main control holder is male. men not to pronounce divorce like you I divorce (Tholaqtu ki, ki Faroqtu) or words returned to your parents or get out of my house with the intention in my heart for the divorced then fell divorce. If not with the intention then it does not matter.

Readers are believed by God thing experienced by women in the stage of looking for a mate (mate)

  1. Searching: Practical almost as practiced by men, but most of womankind is collecting names that are tailored to kriteriannya.
  2. Selecting: This is an advanced stage for women who love. STAGE This stage is MANDATORY for women because she usually just waiting for someone to love and ready to accept his love or not. the desired criteria do heroics because later could make space for womanhood, enough with the following criteria: Obey religion, Mapan (which is important to have a good job) issue enough or not we submit the same God, BERES. In Islam the woman has become a liability and even very obliged to pray Istiqoroh to ask for consideration to Allah that our choices really qualified and will bring blessings in the household. concerning its operation, you can see my last post titled Prayer Istiqoroh and Tata trick
  3. Receiving Love: Phase lobbies do not think needs to be done because tuganya only receive love someone who comes to shoot. Before deciding difikir well, Gratitude accordance with the criteria you want
  4. Receiving Application: enough we leave it to the parents how good. as long as we've been okay okey parents do not have to think long to continue the marriage. if age sudak quite immediately wrote Bro.
  5. Marriage (Akad Nikah): This is a continuation of the stages that have passed the process of unification of men to women in the marriage bond with the proviso the bridegroom and the bride's guardian, dowry well as two witnesses were fair. and to be more afdhol then listed on KUA to bring marriage registrar. The groom is quite says "Qobiltu" (I received) after the bride's guardian to marry his brother states.
  6. Retain: This is a period that is very difficult. Not a few people who have experienced the bitterness of life with the destruction of household once they intertwine with painstaking but destroyed in the blink of an eye. Women must be obedient to her husband. Patiently devoted to her husband, especially if you already have children, the wife of the task will be even tougher. complaint hopefully your husband is the one who is responsible and trustworthy. as one of the items in the dasa darma scout.
If you need another article or posted an article asking for what you need, God willing I will try to load it.
Hope it is useful.....!
Thank you for visiting.....!

How to Pray Istikharah Prayer in Procedures and Law?

Istikharah prayers along with its operation, as well as the rules and kaifiyahnya prayers were also discussed thus only function and purpose istikhoroh prayers. Also discuss the proposition of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet who advise it.

Istikhoroh Prayer is one of the sunnah prayers are prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad that each of us has a good khajat so much good we asked for consideration of God's glory to Him. The opinions and guidance of Allah will surely bring a kindness, especially to ourselves. In the case of our affairs to be given the gift of a good and simple way to choose all matters related to our business.

Prayer istikhoroh performed with two cycles corresponding Bukhari hadith of jabir:

كان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلام يعلمنا الإستخارة فى الأمور كما يعلمنا السورة من القرأن :إذا همّ أحدكم بالأمر فليركع ركعتين من غير الفريضة.
That is approximately as follows: shallallahu'alaihi Prophet SAW taught us to pray istikhoroh of the cases that we will do as taught to us from the Quran: when one of us wanted something case then let do 2 cycles besides prayer two prayer fardlu
Meant 2 cycles besides fard prayer must pray istikharah, especially in matters of seeking a mate, it is most important to God asking consideration glory to Him. Then our business would have been easier and diridloi by God. Sometimes people choose a mate with the base eyes are often able to fool us. And appeared prayer or request to God with their own desires without involving God's desires. In other words he prayed like this "O Allah, may he later became my God, no one is as beautiful and as good as he O God, graciously request, Ameen". At first glance there is no problem about that prayer, but if it contains elements observed as though we know that most of the people who became our dream, forcing God to grant it. Then it is best for us is to perform the procedure on a case-our cause, namely to pray istikhoroh then we pray. Regarding prayer is usually done by our scholars are:

اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك وأستقدرك بقدرتك وأسألك من فضلك العظيم فإنك تقدر ولا أقدر وتعلم ولا أعلم و أنت علام الغيوب. اللهم إن كنت تعلم عن هذالأمر خير لي في دينى ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه.    أمين.

Which means that approximately as follows: O Allah, verily I ask your judgment because knowledge, ask destiny because your will, and I ask the majesty of grace that you have, in fact you are willing not me, verily thou Knowing what I do not know and you really Knowing -it that are unseen or vague. O Allah, verily Thou Knowing against any business, if it is good for me in my religion and my life and the consequences of the affair then make it easy and bless me all about what you give me.

The prayer can be read after the prayer istikharah or can be read in the midst of prayer is the prostration of the last cycles or after reading tasyahud akhir.Yang expected in istikhoroh prayer is the success of all the hunger of our needs both goodness and kindness world hereafter. Therefore, we should not depend on God, but always ask us to judge actions Allah, all the problems will be easily solved easily fit ridlo Allah glory to Him.

This I can dedicate to friends readers, may be useful. For prayer healing of diseases we can help to cure with the help of God's glory to Him. By mentioning names Companions and illness. Hopefully will be healed by God. Hope it is useful...

Referensi : Khasyiah Syarqowi Bab : Sholat Nafl hal: 299 - 300

Meaning of the song Lir-ilir (Java Songs)

Many people who can sing the song with the title of Lir Ilir Kanjeng Sunan Kalijogo work, the spread of Islam in the land of Java with a distinctive style of javanese, he tried to incorporate the teachings of Islam through various media. One is through the song Lir Ilir. Many things that are stored in the song, a lot of intent that can be obtained from the song, even though many people have been interpreted with different views and versions but the point is to invite someone to do good in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

This version may still many shortcomings and mistakes. If there is an error I appologize to on Kanjeng sunan because of the limitations of science, but if there is a true intention solely of God's glory to Him.
This time my version associated with Context search for religious knowledge and its application in everyday life.

Lir Ilir, Lir Ilir: Lir dictionary java: Ilir in the dictionary sense of the word java: Selected for rice seed. That is the choice of rice seeds to be used as seeds. As our younger generation is superior seeds were prepared to continue the struggle of the scholars'. Consciously or unconsciously, we have become the next generation. If we really when commanded by God and we spattered Nur Muhammad sure we will be willing and able to accommodate the science of religion even though a large pool. Let's prepare yourself to be the successor to the scholars'.!

Tandure wus SumilirSemilir: Blown wind slowly, means that already many young people who have started to learn and learn to acquire religious knowledge and other sciences. so many science to be learned from the science instruments, science Arabic, fiqh, tafsir, hadith and others that must be learned. Parents also it is possible to learn. Never too late to learn the knowledge of God.

Tak Ijo Royo-Royo: Invisible Green: Seen lush, looks beautiful when young people want and take time to always learn, see this phenomenon this heart feels tranquil, cool because it was there the next generation who are preparing to become the scholars'. Could also be interpreted anyone who wants to learn the science of religion is also part of "Tak Ijo Royo-Royo".

Tak sengguh Temanten anyar: Calculated newlyweds, let us consider the newlyweds, graceful stride, full of prudence, full of passion, there was just excited and happy. This spirit will be when it is shown to anyone seeking knowledge, despite the restrictions but do not feel, keep the spirit in every step, with a spirit that is both young and old continue and continue to seek knowledge.
Cah Angon, cah Angon: Children goatherd, if we raise goats, of course, we keep an eye on is the goat, do not eat grass, not to go all the way, and not to fight with each other. Then in relation to our lives, in fact what we watch, of course, our behavior, akhlaqul Karimah, this in conjunction with the Heart of God's glory to Him as well as his relationship with others. We always mutual tolerance anyone, we focus in the search for knowledge that is capable of regulating this life better and easier. conviction of useful knowledge will trigger someone to keep fighting and vibrant. Let us consider the following lyrics.

Penekno Blimbing Kuwi: Trees turning Belimbing. Meaning The scholars' also advised that we will achieve blimbing fruit, meaning that we want to run the pillars of faith. Star fruit when cut it look like stars there is implied meaning that we had to grab his pillars of Islam. Pillars of Islam which the firts is Reading Syahadat, Reading sahadat then any new good deeds accepted by Allah without creed, without the Oneness of God, then we may not be acceptable to God, it was the first fruit. The second Working prayer, prayer is a direct order from the GOD glory to Him, to establish prayer then we can be prevented from shameful and unjust deeds. Benefits of someone doing the prayer will be the motivation for doing it. Furthermore, the third is FAST, if we are willing to accept Allah yes obligatory fasting. In the earlier days of prophethood was already commands fasting, even with fasting, our faith will grow and that his fasting. Fourth is Zakat. Zakat is a coupling on each verse in the Qur'an, such as by translation as follows: Establish the prayer and Zakat Fulfill. This indicates that prayer is not rejected zakat, alms but do not want to pray also rejected. they must always go hand in hand without leaving one of them. Fifth is Haji if it is able, that is to say capable of energy capable of materially and spiritually. It's mean going to Mekka for Stand on Arafah.

Lunyu-Lunyu penekno: Could slip but still climbing. Indeed, to do the pillars of Islam that must be careful, full of obstacles and challenges, even so do not easily give up, fear of falling end up not doing anything. It is capable of describing the motivation when people are willing to convert to Islam. No need taku and should not hesitate. It will be guided by the scholars'. Jo concern. Do not Worry

Kanggo mbasuh Dodotiro: Washing clothes. Our life is full of twists and turns and the journey is so long, of course, people sometimes make mistakes and obstacless, but the origin would repent then God must forgive. Then the pillars of faith surely we will gradually become better and nobler side of God because of our devotion to Him.

Dodotiro Dodotiro: your clothes, your clothes. Then the sins that we have, a heart that has been tarnished, garments fearing that started dirty.

Kumitir Bedah ing Pinggir: Tear in the margin: Many mistakes are forgotten, marginalized, errors are intentional or unintentional, The mistake has been done for the sake of oversight. Life were tarnished, full of sin and error either one with God and our relationship to human error, with our environment.
Dondomono, Jlumatono: number, Stitch together, so wicked, improve relationships with others, repair the relationship with God, surely we shall live nobler and more peaceful. Endlessly and tirelessly with our painstaking trying to fix mistakes of the past, the future fill our lives with something better and more useful. Establish a relationship, intertwine affection and a high sense of brotherhood, mutual help and mutual help in order to feel more beautiful life.

Kanggo Sebo Mengko Sore: For Preparation facing this afternoon, meaning that by correcting past mistakes means that we are also ready to summoned the Almighty God the glory to Him. When this life is over, when the world is not outstanding, especially that we expect our deeds except all the glory to Him GOD.
Mumpung Padhang Rembulane: While still bright rembulane, While still a lot of the scholars' who are ready to guide us, while there is still a lot of teachers who are ready to lead us to know more about religion, Know God and His Messenger, more familiar with the Qur'an and Hadith. They are the scholars' which will give light to all who want and are willing to be obedient and good man.

Mumpung Jembar Kalangane: While still widely place. That is, while there is still a chance, while there's still a lot of mosque committees are ready to accommodate us, one of them in the village Tawangrejo at H. Ahsin Ilyas's home, refer to their activities during the holy month Romadlon.

Yo surako Surak Iyo: shout, yes, That let enthusiastically vigorously our state and we do not just talk, not only plan but let's do it together. we study religion, we understand it and we practice in our daily lives, God willing. Tell okey ...!

Tips : Text Sholawat Nariyah and it Qualities

Text Sholawat Nariyah, or Arabic text or text in Arabic is used for religious events. For example, the relationship between the family, recitals celebration and others, even when someone is facing a hunger and desire or aspiration, this nariyah sholawat read repeatedly it will be able to give primacy and benefits to us. If people ask who the author Sholawat Nariyah? then the answer is Syeckh Ibrahim Al-At-Taaziy Magribiy.

Essence or meaning Sholawat Nariyah

Sholawat Nariyah gist that this is the first: Read the Prophet Mohammed Top sholawat Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam with all its perfection. Prophet has a remarkable perfection, he is human, but unlike humans, This means that Prophet Muhammad is the same as we are creatures of God's creation has perfection. If compared Kal Yakuti Bainal Hajari, Like a Pearl Shine among the rocks. Second: Sholawat also contained elements of prayer for granted all our needs, given the ease of convenience

For reading Sholawat nariyah when read 100 times, 1,000 times, even up to 100,000 times. Each has features and benefits. But most important is before reading sholawat nariyah need to send hadiyah surah Al-Fatihah to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, the Prophet Adam and his family, the other Prophets Along with his family, to shohabat, the scholars', the trustees, particularly syech Abdul Qadir al-Jilani Ibrahim At-Taaji, and the leluhhur we were already dead, the Muslims and the believers. After the reading sholawat Nariyah with Arabic text as follows:

بِسْــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِـــــــيْمِ
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ صَلَاةً كَامِلَةً وَ سَلِّمْ سَلَامًا تَامًّا عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الَّذِى تَنْحَلُّ بِهِ الْعُقَدُ وَ تَنْفَرِجُ بِهِ الْكُرَبُ وَ تُقْضٰى بِهِ الْحَوَائِجُ وَ تُنَالُ بِهِ الرَّغَائِبُ وَ حُسْنُ الْخَوَاتِمِ وَ يُسْتَسْقَى الْغَمَامُ بِوَجْهِهِ الْكَرِيْمِ وَ عَلىٰ آلِهِ وِ صَحْبِهِ فِى كُلِّ لَمْحَةٍ وَ نَفَسٍ بِعَدَدِ كُلِّ مَعْلُوْمٍ لَكَ ۞

How to Read Text Sholawat Latin Nariyah As follows:

Allahumma Sholli Solatan Kamilatawwasallim Salaman Tamman 'Ala Sayyidina Muhamadinillladzi tanhallu bihil 'uqodu Watangfariju Bihil kurobu Watuqdlo bihil hawaiju Watunalu bihirroghoibu Wahusnul Khowatimi Wasustasqol Ghomaamu Biwajhihil Karimi Wa'ala Alihi Washohbihi Fii Kulli Lamhatinn Wanafasimbi'adadi kulli Ma'lummillak. (Ini sebaiknya hanya dipakai untuk cara baca yang memiliki kelemahan dalam membaca teks arab, namun sebaiknya jangan disebarluaskan, karena jika diartikan secara huruf perhuruf tentunya akan melenceng maknanya). Oleh karena itu sebaiknya dianjurkan untuk membawa teks arab kepada Ustadz atau Ulama terdekat untuk ditashih (dibetulkan). Demi sempurnanya bacaan Anda. Jika ini sudah dapat ijazah (pengesahan) dari guru maka baru dikatakan Sholawat ini berkhasiat. Maaf Ya..

Translation Sholawat Nariyah as following:

"O Allah, give Shalawat perfect and greetings perfect for Her Majesty of our Prophet Muhammad with him regardless of the bond (distress) and freed from the trouble. And with it also fulfilled lavatory and obtained all desires and good death, and gave spray (happiness ) to those who are saddened by his glorious, and to his family, his companions, with all the knowledge that you have. "

To Prayer Should resting completely on God.

Sholawat Nariyah are complementary in prayer. Because it is in prayer the good and the right one on the Prophet Muhammad recited sholawat Sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Who will pray the perfect carrying terkabulnya requests that we pray to God the Giver. In One Asmaul Husna (Names of Allah). Amen O 'Lord of the Worlds.

Are Reading Shalawat Nariyah It polytheists? The answer is No.

Is There a Wrong contents of Sholawat Nariyah "O Allah, give Shalawat perfect and greetings perfect for Her Majesty of our Prophet Muhammad with him regardless of the bond (distress) and freed from the trouble. And with it also fulfilled lavatory and obtained all desires and death good, and gave a splash (happiness) to those who are saddened by his glorious, and to his family, his companions, with all the knowledge that you have. "

It is figurative only of literature balaghah arab of love, as a compliment Abbas bin Abdulmuttalib ra to the Holy Prophet in front of the Prophet: "... and thou (O Prophet) the day of your birth then terbitlah light earthing up bright and the sky luminous with your light , and we are now in the light shade and in the guidance of the glory (the Qur'an) we continue in depth "(Mustadrak 'ala shahihain hadith no.5417), of course, the earth and the sky does not look that bright glowing eyes, but the allusion to the resurrection of the treatise.

Abu Hurairah as saying: "O Messenger of Allah, if we are in front of you then our souls khusyu" (Saheeh Ibn Hibban Hadith no.7387), "O Messenger of Allah, when we see the face of our soul khusyu" (Musnad Ahmad Hadith no.8030)

all those who understand the Arabic language to understand this, Only if they do not understand the language then immediately sentenced polytheists, of course, from shallow understanding of monotheism, the sentence requested the rain with his noble, is a mirror of bertawassul the Messenger of Allah Sholallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam companions as history saheeh Bukhari. Thus, if you want to practice please if do not want to practice is also not a problem. Do not be a debate between us.

Do not Forget the Daily Practices What is certain is Sholawat following:

اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ
Read the above sentence as a daily practice that the principal and not to leave it. Minimum day and night at least 500 times or 1000 times better. In the book of Hadith Lubabul

البَابُ الرَّابِعْ فِى فَضِيْلَةِ الْصَّلاَةِ عَلىَ النَّبِى صَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلاَّمْ
قَالَ النَّبِى صَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّامْ: مَنْ صَلَّى عَلَيَّ أَلْفَ مَرَّةٍ لَمْ يَمُتْ حَتَّى يُبَشَّرَ لَهُ بِالْجَنَّة.

Said the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam: Those Who reads Sholawat me as much as 1000 times the person was not going to die before it is given in the form of heaven happiness. (Lubabul Hadith Hafiz Jalaluddin Lil ABDURROHMAN Bin Abi Bakrin Assuyuti).

Regarding Articles Shalawat Top Fadi Muhammad Learn delivered in Fadlilah Sholawat Top Sholallahu Prophet 'Alaihi Wasallam. In the article it contains fadlillah or virtues - virtues sholawat if read once, 100 times, a thousand times and again Fadlilah sholawat example, if read on Friday night and another sebaginya.

Thank you for visiting... Hopefully useful and always a blessing. amiiin