Prayer intentions Plural and Qashar or ordinances qoshor jama, intentions or intentions menjamak qoshor prayer has become the need of every person let alone ordinary traveling far not for immorality, then this science will become a staple in the science of prayers. Here kaifiyah prayer and prayer qoshor plural. And how prayer is correct according to Islamic syareat.
Before the authors write prayer intentions plural qoshor authors explain that it is necessary to pray plural is to collect 2 prayer once in one time is midday prayer with the Asr prayer, the afternoon prayer at evening prayers' for traveling or due to heavy rains. And may not collect between prayer subuh with other prayer or evening prayer at midday was not to be. The plural there are 2 taqdim plural and plural ta'khir Plural taqdim are gathering at a time when the first two prayers. For example: midday with Asr be done at a time when midday. To the plural ta'khir otherwise midday with Asr be done at a time when Asr.
Terms Jama Taqdim
ويشترط لجمع القديم الترتيب والولاء و نية الجمع في الأولى و بقاء السفر إلى عقد الثانيه ووجود المطر اول كل منهما و عند سلام الأولى ﴿حشية الشرقاوي : جزء الأول دار الفكر صحفة : ۲٥١ - ۲٥۲﴾
Orderly or sequential, meaning for example midday to midday Asr prayer then do the first and Asr prayer. Wila (read: Wilak) Or connect between the first prayer with a second without being interrupted by the wird and prayers and words of others. That is after midday prayers greeting stood praying Asr. For example say Ashsholatu Jaami'ah no problem, May. Plural intentions at a time when prayer first. So it was not before the prayer. That is the intention was not valid if performed before prayer. Intention must be done within the first prayer. With a pronounced way in the liver (java: dikrentekke nong njero ati / inner). So his intention as prayer familiar you are doing
Examples intention brief and TRUE (eg midday with Asr): *
اُصَلِّ فَرْضَ الظُّهْرِ لِلّٰهِ تَعَالَى
Usholli Fardhol Dzuhri lillahi ta'ala, then the Asr prayer in my heart I say plural (java: Ashar is not plural). Do not reverse my dzuhur plural. After completion of the greeting stood to pray 'Asr, with the intention like this: *
اُصَلِّ فَرْضَ العَصْرِ لِلّٰهِ تَعَالَى
That is all!
Note: So put the intention to be the first prayer that by speaking to the heart. UNAUTHORIZED then if there is an intention like this
اُصَلِّ فَرْضَ الظُّهْرِمَجْمُوْعًا بِالْعَصْرِ جَمْعَ تَقْدِيْمٍ لِلّٰهِ تَعَالَى
Because the intention is clearly outside of prayer, but the original should be in prayer. In translation also WRONG, because the meaning of the above intention is "my intention is collected by the midday prayer Asr prayer". Means dzuhurnya collected, when it should Asharnya collected.
Actually, Islam is easy, why should compounded. It sometimes becomes a problem when one is traveling and the intention to menjamak prayers, because his intention DIPERIBET alias is complicated, then people become lazy prayers.
Summarizing (QASHAR Prayer)
وَإذَا ضَرَبْتُمْ فِي اْلأَرْضِ فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ أَنْ تَقْصُرُوْا مِنَ الصَّلَوٰةِ إنْ خِفْتُمْ ( الأية )
An-Nisa verse 101 And when you are traveling on earth, it is not why you Summarizing Qashar Prayer
In other words Summarizing Salah, 4 cycles to 2 cycles, 3 rekaat remain 3 rekaat, NOT 1.5. Because no amount of prayer rekaat first half.
Summarizing the prayer when I travel approximately 90 km, and go not to sin.
Qoshor intention simultaneously with takbirotul ihrom
وأن ينوي القصر مع الإحرام ﴿ كفاية الأحيار – كتاب الصلاة – صحفة : ١٤١﴾
If you want to summarize the intent PLURAL once mengQashar prayer or prayer, then put QOSHOR intention when TAKBIROTUL IHROM, put in the PLURAL intention FIRST PRAYER. Everything pronounced IN THE HEART. Lafadz niatJAMAK and QOSHOR like tecantum above. *
In other words Summarizing Salah, 4 cycles to 2 cycles, 3 rekaat remain 3 rekaat, NOT 1.5. Because no amount of prayer rekaat first half. Summarizing the prayer when I travel approximately 90 km, and go not to sin. Qoshor intention simultaneously with takbirotul ihrom
Jamak Ta’khir Prayer
Plural ta'khir eg midday prayer with 'Asr Asr done in time, for example Maghrib with Isha' held at a time when Isha '. The most important thing is putting his intentions are put before praying and still on the way, then when entering the prayer time by praying lihurmatil wakti. To carry out eg prayer midday prayer with 'Asr prayer, midday prayer first and Asr, or vice versa. Dzuhur done first because it adjusted to the order, held Asr first because it Asharlah who has the time. Intentions as stated above * just by putting his intention to be fitted.
Refferensi :
- Hasyiah Syarqowi, Bab Kayfiyatu sholati safar, Hal : 251 – 252 Perc. Darrul Fikr, Beirut.
- Kifayatul Ahyar, Kitabu Sholah, hal : 140 -141, perc. Darul Kutub Islamiyah, Jakarta.
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